A downloadable game

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Septible is an Adaptable System for Role-Playing, a ruleset flexible enough to handle any new or established world, and designed to be as fun for a one-shot as well as a longer campaign.  Character creation is quick and collaborative, and a game can be played with just a pen, paper and the change in your pocket.


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Septible.pdf 4.1 MB

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This sounds like a lot of fun. Read through the first bit of the booklet but had to stop until I find a party. Well done, and I'm excited for any upcoming updates to this! Keep up the good work!

Thanks so much for the kind words, they made me grin after a tough couple of weeks.

Let me know how you go with it if you do find a group to play with, I live for feedback :)

Seems interesting.

Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions, any feedback is good feedback as far as I'm concerned 😁