A downloadable game

Shine up that chrome and strap on your flechette pistol: it’s time to enter The Neon Draw.

A setting for the rules-light Septible system, The Neon Draw puts players in the role of Cards, deniable assets running black ops for Dealers, men with questionable morality but unquestionable creds.  Will you make it out of the Draw? Or will you bleed out in a back-alley somewhere, inches from a payday?

With this book, you can:

* Collaborate to produce a cyberpunk future of your choosing - from discrete enhancements up to full-on cyborgs

* Create your ideal Suit with a simple yet highly-customisable character creation system

* Quickly put together a job for your players  with a suite of random generation tables for objective, location and complications.


The Neon Draw.pdf 2.5 MB

Development log

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