Same Stuff, Different Day...

So a little while back I got Imposter Syndrome and removed all of my creative content from the internet (and by 'all', I'm referring rather pompously to 4 game documents and about 120 music tracks off of Soundcloud).

 I didn't get rid of it all, just took it offline.  I stopped talking about it, stopped thinking about it, and tucked it into a little box marked "Stuff I don't do anymore".

I have a lot of these boxes, as I'm sure a lot of other creatives do as well.

Since then I've been tinkering with a few game concepts, but only when the mood strikes on rare occasions.  Then, a few days ago, someone reached out on Reddit to ask where the game went.  They followed an old link I had posted and came up empty.  This prompted me to go open that box back up, blow the dust off the document, and have another look.

And it reminded me of how much I love doing this stuff.

So, I'm re-posting the game, with a few tweaks.

1 - The name.  "The Neon Game" is a freaking nightmare when it comes to search engines.  I brainstormed for a good 45 minutes before I came up with the replacement - The Neon Draw.   "Draw" still works within the card game metaphor, but also has other relatable meanings, like 'lottery', 'attractive thing', and 'to drag or move'.

2 - The text.  When I released the first version I realised there was a section that I didn't finish in the section on designing a system.  That's all fixed now so it doesn't end mid-sentence.

So I'm back in the saddle, a little bit, at least.  I might re-post my other stuff as well (Alpha-7 has only slightly less SEO spaghetti surrounding it than Neon Game, so I think that needs an overhaul as well).  But for now, thank you, u/origional_origional, for giving me the kick in the pants i needed to open the box again :)  


The Neon Draw.pdf 2.4 MB
Jun 13, 2024

Get The Neon Draw

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